K9 Nyx

K9 Nyx

January 28, 2024

After arriving at the scene of a domestic dispute, Officer Vargas located the suspect involved. After being seen by law enforcement, the suspect began to flee on foot. Officer Vargas deployed K9 Nyx to pursue the suspect.

After chasing the suspect over a fence, Officer Vargas lost sight of the suspect and K9 Nyx. 

Vargas then heard three gunshots, he raced forward. As he got closer, he could see Nyx lying next to a house with gunshot wounds.

Officer Vargas continued the chase and was also fired upon by the suspect. Officer Vargas returned fire, shooting the suspect at least once.

K9 Nyx was pronounced dead a short time later.

K9 Nyx rushed into an ambush that was more than likely intended for Officer Vargas, saving his life. K9 Nyx died protecting her partner and serving her community. 

State Representative John Cabello released a statement following Nyx's death saying, "I'm beyond saddened to hear about the brave K-9 officer from Rockford PD who made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty. This incident is yet another reminder of the dangers our law enforcement officers and their K-9 partners face daily to keep our community safe."

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